Rewrite of Falkon plugin Readability to QML

22 Oct, 2022 - 5 minutes
This rewrite was a challenge as well as a good test subject for Falkon QMl API. I had to work around few pitfalls to make it work. Click on button always opens popup Desired or not the popup will always open. I used it to write there sone informative message, but it is unsued so far. In the future it an be used a bit more to dislay the debug message or a feedback from the script if the conversion fails.

Introducing a Falkon extension Cookies.txt

10 Oct, 2022 - 3 minutes
This weekend I decided to test if it is possible to create a Cookies.txt style extensions for Falkon by using QML API. This work is partially based on Firefox and Chrome extensions. The GUI is shamelessly copied from the Firefox extension but I had a little trouble porting it to QML since I have still long way to go with this language. I like the GUI being a simple one and to the point. Either export “All” or the “Current Site”, sounds nice.

Falkon: Development Update, Sep 2022

2 Oct, 2022 - 2 minutes
Weird news from development of Falkon web browser. Development: Site Settings I continued working on some system for WebAttributes and it looks fine at the moment (well, it just works). The thought which I have is to put all the WebAttributes into one field in the database and parse it afterwords instead of having a separate field for each attribute. I did not try this yet and I will keep this idea for later date when everything will be ready.

My experience with bad example (or my understanding is that bad.)

4 Sep, 2022 - 2 minutes
Simple story the likes of which happens all the time where an incorrect example together with my lack of knowledge led me to the world of hurt. In the Falkon example QML extension in order to set some basic (top level) element the original author decided to use Rectangle component (or class? or object? or whatever, I will call it component). The Rectangle component is not supposed to be used this way since it is by default also setting the background to white and thus it is not styled by the KDE theme.

Falkon: Development Update, Aug 2022

4 Sep, 2022 - 5 minutes
Weird news from development of Falkon web browser. Why? Sadly, even after project moved under the wings of KDE it did not see many contributors (am I as major stalker at fault?), maybe new contributors did not want to go through hassle of creating KDE account (joining KDE). This is hard to say for me. Anyway, I wanted to do something what is already outlined and what someone already tried in the past and thus there is a bit of information on how it should be done. That is how I came across “Site Settings” feature. This idea comes from a merge request on Phabricator “Added feature to remember the zoom set on a host” by Anmol Gautam but was not accepted since it was a lot of code which only handles zoom while all data were still stored in the ini file which would make it slower and slower as time goes on.