Introducing Tab Counter an extension for Falkon

1 Mar, 2020 - 1 minutes
Introduction Hello, while using Vertical Tabs extensions in Tree Style mode I developed a habit of keeping tabs and only unloading them. This leads Falkon to have hundreds and hundreds of tabs always prepared for me to load. In face of this I became curious about how many tabs there actually are and how many are un/loaded so I developed Tab Counter extension. Let me show you it’s features! Toolbar Button, actually Label The tab count is shown in a toolbar button, which can be moved where user desires is to be.

Monthly report - January

31 Jan, 2020 - 1 minutes
Hello, This was too short but also a very long month. Many things I wanted to do I was unable to and had to push it to the near future. Artix Linux To make information more accessible we prepared RSS feed for our news. You can subscribe at Falkon After a long while the bug 409575 (Python plugins don’t load with PySide 5.13) has finally a working with Qt (PySide2) 5.14.1. GreaseMonkey can now grab userscript URLs (*.user.js) with newer Qt versions. 6974f8c2 Falkon can now handle web notifications (since QtWebEngine 5.13) with it’s notification system 409045 Other I helped to hunt very annoying bug in ktexteditor 413848 (Drag&copy function (by using Ctrl Key) does not work anymore)

Monthly report - December

31 Dec, 2019 - 1 minutes
Hello, This month was full of work and I did not have much time to do things which I would love to do. KDevelop Some patches I made (!66, !68, !75) were accepted and will be part of the KDevelop 5.5. Falkon We are still walking on edge when it comes to Python plugin support. The problem is there is probably “only” me who is testing the patch for real to ensure the patch is correct, but since there was no time…

KDevelop AppWizard - DVCS fix for empty project

8 Nov, 2019 - 3 minutes
Backstory Few days ago I wanted to play with Falkon and create some basic Qml plugin. (What else to do to play, Python support is broken and C++ is for built-in plugins). I started KDevelop (the big IDE I use) and went to create new Empty project because as I am not big Qml lover I did not create template for it yet. But I was met with errors which made me change my focus and fix the tool I use (KDevelop) before playing with Qml and Falkon.

YouTube Design Changes and my peaceful life

1 Nov, 2019 - 3 minutes
Around a week ago YouTube switched my homepage to their new design with very big video previews which is suitable for tablets or smartphones but totally unusable on desktop with reasonable huge screen. So I searched a way how to disable it, but as almost always there was none. In the end I used “Feedback” function and described how unusable it is on desktop and now (at the time of writing this post) I have older homepage design.