Usage of kateschema converter

22 Sep, 2020 - 3 minutes
Last weekend I went nuts and wrote a script to convert my old theme for Kate/KDevelop, I truly almost lost it. The script as I made it only works with files exported by the GUI, when you export whole scheme and save it somewhere. I don’t think it will work with only data for one file type (it can be easily modified to do so). So, if you try to use your full kateschema/highlighting file which stores multiple themes at once the script can “export” a random mix (I wonder how usable that would be, maybe we can get some funny results).

My thoughts on kateschema to theme converter

21 Sep, 2020 - 3 minutes
Or how I spent a weekend. With the latest changes in ksyntaxhighlighting library the old themes (they are called “kateschema”) will become obsolete and one will have to either use some new theme and hope it will fit or try to adapt the old one and spent hours doing so. The old format is a bit complicated, the settings for one language can vary depending on the current file type. In other words you could have different settings if you opened CSS file directly or when styles were used in HTML.

My experience with taskwarrior

12 Aug, 2020 - 2 minutes
Introduction After a month at new work I realized I need a good way to manage my tasks and things todo lists. Managing things manually is not exactly what I wanted to do and even through the main operating system at work is M$ Windows I decided to try my luck and compile taskwarrior within Cygwin which is luckily present. After going through a bit of problems due to my lack of knowledge of how to do things under M$ Windows and to top it of I also added timewarrior.

My experience cloning Windows 10

10 Aug, 2020 - 2 minutes
Introduction I bought an SSD to replace classic slow HDD on home M$ Windows 10 machine. This SSD is a smaller than the original HDD (250 GB vs 500 GB) so I could not clone whole disk which I hope would be easier (anyway I will probably never know). Initial research Before I started I decided to check internet (DuckDuckGo) and asked how to migrate M$ Windows 10 from HDD to SSD.

Monthly report - February

4 Mar, 2020 - 1 minutes
Hello, I continued to slowly work o Falkon and also resumed work on Falkon Plugins and once again started to fill Falkon store. I am also slowly investigating / researching Falkon Qml API which should work out of box on all platforms (while some may have problems with Python), the API is insufficient, in other words “there are too many restrictions”. I document my progress at file which can be found in _drafts folder of this repository.