I like statisctics and numbers and I like looking at them, how they are changing and growing. Back when this blog was started I wanted to display some statistics on it but due to its very young age it would be meaningless.
That changes now. This blog is around for over two years and it is time to put some nice numbers on it. At first I struggled about what to actualy count and how to do it within Hugo or if I should prepare the stats outside of it (bit of scripting can never hurt).
After reading an article on Drews blog about visurf which is based on Netsurf and his encouragement to make more sites compatible with this light browser I decided to take a look at my little blog and found the horrible state it was in.
By looking at my blog from the perspective of the modern web it looked minimal and nice, but on the inside the theme I decided to base my blog on was using pretty modern styles a features which I had to get rid of.
Until “now” I was happy user of Jekyll static site generator, everything worked fine with it and blog was easy to manage. The major drawback of Jekyll (for me that is) is that it is written in Ruby and I never before worked with Ruby. Because of this I diceded to go the “easy” route and use docker image to simplify the initial installation and Jekyll management.
The official docker image works fine, the only thing I needed to do was to add ruby gem local cache so it would not need to download all that mess over and over again (what a hell that is).
After a while I am writing about changes on this blog. The major changes in short are:
New domain name. Self-hosted on VPS which is powered by Artix. Own git server powered by Gitea. Openring integration which provides links to articles from blogs I follow. For the future I plan some things, but the current setup is working fine so I have no idea when it will be done. The things I plan to do in the future are:
After some time I once again tried to create a blog. This time with it should be nice static site with dark design and only memories.
At first I went on journey to find a nice dark theme which I would use as a base. After a bit I found tocttou/hacker-blog which is really nice. See demo.
Customization It sounds all nice and fine but it is a bit plain. I decided that categories or tags would be nice.