Weird news from development of Falkon web browser.
Development: Site Settings At the start of the month I did something and I already forgot what it was (very sad) and than I took a “short” break for a week which turned out ot be for a whole month due to other reasons.
Extensions During this break I worked on two QML extensions Cookies.txt and Readability. The Cookies.txt is in a way me trying to understand how to work with cookies from within QML extension in order to write a proper tutorial for it. The Readability was done on a request and because I thought it can be somehow hacked with QML. This took a bit longer than I expected, but it is nice to have.
I am using ALSA for my system sound and I am trying to keep away from PulseAudio and PipeWire things. I do not like them that. I know they provide a way to disable the system sound, just open PavuControl and mute the “System Sounds” channel and done.
For ALSA I did not manage to find such a simple way to do it. I also did not find a way to disable it in KDE or Qt configuration files (or I did not search hard enough).
This rewrite was a challenge as well as a good test subject for Falkon QMl API. I had to work around few pitfalls to make it work.
Click on button always opens popup Desired or not the popup will always open. I used it to write there sone informative message, but it is unsued so far. In the future it an be used a bit more to dislay the debug message or a feedback from the script if the conversion fails.
This weekend I decided to test if it is possible to create a Cookies.txt style extensions for Falkon by using QML API.
This work is partially based on Firefox and Chrome extensions.
The GUI is shamelessly copied from the Firefox extension but I had a little trouble porting it to QML since I have still long way to go with this language. I like the GUI being a simple one and to the point. Either export “All” or the “Current Site”, sounds nice.
Weird news from development of Falkon web browser.
Development: Site Settings I continued working on some system for WebAttributes and it looks fine at the moment (well, it just works). The thought which I have is to put all the WebAttributes into one field in the database and parse it afterwords instead of having a separate field for each attribute. I did not try this yet and I will keep this idea for later date when everything will be ready.